Episode 8: The Power of Owning Our Emotions

Air Date: May 1, 2017

This week we will explore the power of owning our emotions. Research says that high performing teams have one thing in common — psychological safety. We will learn what that is and how we can create it. As we learn to turn towards our emotions, tune into them, name them and know the choice we have, we can own our emotions which strengthens the connection we have with ourselves and with others. In our New Ventures West Segment, we will be joined by Angella Okawa, who is both a marriage and family therapist and a certified integral coach through New Ventures West and will share her vast experience on this topic. As we step into owning our emotions, we can drive high performance in ourselves and our teams. This is what being connected to our innerforce is all about. Join Angela King and Angella Okawa to learn how.

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